Notice: Undefined index: talk in /Data/html/Dimeprod/LocalSettings.php on line 332

Notice: Undefined index: class in /Data/html/Dimeprod/skins/DimeWiki/SkinDimeWiki.php on line 334
Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js" - Dimewiki

Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js"

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(198 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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/* Java script needed for the main page */
/* Functions creating divs ready to be loaded at the wiki */
$(function () {
$(function () {

  lifeCycleTopics = [
    ['Image file', 'Impact Evaluation Design', 'A brief introduction to the regression models commonly used in Impact Evaluation. Links to in details resources.'],
    ['Image file','Sampling & Power Calculations','A brief introduction to the regression models commonly used in Impact Evaluation. Links to in details resources.'],
    ['Image file','Human Subjects Approval','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Preparing for Data Collection','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Survey Firm Procurement','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Questionnaire Design','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Questionnaire Translation','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Questionnaire Programming','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','[[Survey Pilot]','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Enumerator Training','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Monitoring Data Quality','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Data Management','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Data Cleaning','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Data Analysis','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the '],
    ['Image file','Reproducible Research','This topic discuss all ethical concerns important for the ']

  standAloneTopics = [
//This is a list of all checklist. Add to this array when you add a new checklist. For any other edits to the checklists, see the instructions here:
    'Stata Coding Practices','Stata Coding Practices','SurveyCTO Coding Practices','Geo Spatial Data','Check Lists for Field Coordinators','i2i Trust Fund for Impact Evaluation','Impact Evaluation Team','Cost-effectiveness Analysis'
checklists = [
  'chk_surveyprep', 'chk_questcont', 'chk_questdata',
  'chk_microdata', 'chk_datacleaning', 'checklist1',
  'chk_submittable', 'chk_reviewgraphs', 'chk_surveyprotocols'
//Loop over all the checklists
for (chkNum in checklists) {
  //Get checklist name
  var chkName = checklists[chkNum];
  //Test if a div with the name of the checklist exist on the article just loaded
  if (document.getElementById(chkName) != null ) {
    //If a div with that name exist, generate the checklist and put it in that div
function getChecklist(chklistname) {
var requri  =  ''+ chklistname + '.js';

  standAloneTopics.sort(function(a, b){return 0.5 - Math.random()});
//Call the GitHub API
requestJSON(requri, function(json) {

  //If call unsuccessful, give error message
  var lcElement = document.getElementById('dimewiki-mainpage-lc-js');
  if(json.message == "Not Found" ) {
  lcElement.innerHTML = dispTopics_lc(lifeCycleTopics );
      document.getElementById(chklistname).innerHTML = "<h3>Checklist not found, check the name of the checklist</h3>"

  var saElement = document.getElementById('dimewiki-mainpage-sa-js');
    } else {
  saElement.innerHTML = dispTopics_sa(standAloneTopics);

  var myElement = document.getElementById('mw-mywiki-example');
      //Call is successfull
  myElement.innerHTML = dispTopics_sa(standAloneTopics);


      //Function to decode result from GitHub
      function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
        // Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string.
          return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map(function(c) {
            return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
      //Decode result and put it in parse it to JSON format
      var checklistSTR = b64DecodeUnicode(json.content);
      var checklist = JSON.parse("[" + checklistSTR + "]");
      //Create the checklist table and put it to the html div.
      document.getElementById(chklistname).innerHTML =  createChecklistTable(checklist,chklistname);
  }); // end requestJSON Ajax call
//The function that calls the GitHub API
function requestJSON(url, callback) {
  url: url,
  complete: function(xhr) {, xhr.responseJSON);
/* Functions needed for checklists */
function createChecklistTable(chkarray, chkName) {
var tableString = '<table class="chk_table">';
tableString += '<tr><th rowspan="5" colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"><img alt="DIME Image" src="/images/a/a8/DIMEi2i.png" class="chk_logo_img"></th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Project name: _______________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Country: ___________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">District: ____________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Year, Month and/or Day:  _____________________________</th>';
var levelTracker = [0]
for ( row = 0 ; row < chkarray.length ; ++row ) {
  var thisLevel =chkarray[row][0];
  var thisIndex = thisLevel - 1;
  var thisItem =chkarray[row][1];
  if ( levelTracker.length > thisLevel) {
    levelTracker.splice(thisLevel, levelTracker.length - (thisLevel));
  } else if ( levelTracker.length < thisLevel) {
  var number = levelTracker.join(".")
  tableString += checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
var tableFooter = '<tr><td colspan="4">The checklist are edited through Git Hub. This checklist corresponds to the file with the name <b>' + chkName+ '.js</b>. To read a simple step by step guide on how to edit the checklist, see this documentation:<br><a href=""></a>.</td></tr>'
tableString += tableFooter +'</table>'
return tableString

function dispTopics_lc(topicArray)
    var topicTable = '<div class="table-div"><table style="width:100%">';
    topicTable += '<col width=20%><col width=80%><tr>';

    for ( topic = 0 ; topic < topicArray.length ; ++topic ) {
function checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
      topicTable += '<td rowspan="2">'+ topicArray[topic][0] +'</td>';
      topicTable += '<td class="td_lc_titl">'+ topicArray[topic][1] +'</td>';
      topicTable += '</tr><tr>';
      topicTable += '<td class="td_lc_desc">'+ topicArray[topic][2] +'</td>';

var  tableString = '';
    topicTable += '</tr></table></div>';

    return topicTable;
if (thisLevel == 1) {
    tableString += '<tr class="chk_row1"><td colspan="4">'+ number +'. '+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';
    tableString += '<tr><td></td><td>Initials</td><td>#No</td><td>Checklist Item</td></tr>';
    return tableString

  function dispTopics_sa(topicArray)
} else {

    var topicTable = '<div class="table-div"><table style="width:100%">';
  switch (thisLevel) {
      case 2:
          tr_class = 'class="chk_row2"';
      case 3:
          tr_class = 'class="chk_row3"';
      case 4:
          tr_class = 'class="chk_row4"';
        /*implicitly 5 or above*/
          tr_class = 'class="chk_row5"';

    for ( topic = 0 ; topic < topicArray.length ; ++topic ) {
  tableString += '<tr '+tr_class+'><td nowrap>[ __ ]</td><td></td><td nowrap class="chk_number">'+ number +'</td><td class="chk_item">'+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';

      topicTable += '<tr><td class="td_sa">'+ topicArray[topic] +'</td></tr>';
  return tableString
    topicTable += '</table></div>';

    return topicTable;

Latest revision as of 18:27, 21 January 2021

/* Functions creating divs ready to be loaded at the wiki */
$(function () {

//This is a list of all checklist. Add to this array when you add a new checklist. For any other edits to the checklists, see the instructions here:
checklists = [
  'chk_surveyprep', 'chk_questcont', 'chk_questdata',
  'chk_microdata', 'chk_datacleaning', 'checklist1',
  'chk_submittable', 'chk_reviewgraphs', 'chk_surveyprotocols'

//Loop over all the checklists
for (chkNum in checklists) {

  //Get checklist name
  var chkName = checklists[chkNum];

  //Test if a div with the name of the checklist exist on the article just loaded
  if (document.getElementById(chkName) != null ) {

    //If a div with that name exist, generate the checklist and put it in that div

function getChecklist(chklistname) {

 var requri   =   ''+ chklistname + '.js';

 //Call the GitHub API
 requestJSON(requri, function(json) {

   //If call unsuccessful, give error message
   if(json.message == "Not Found" ) {
      document.getElementById(chklistname).innerHTML = "<h3>Checklist not found, check the name of the checklist</h3>"

    } else {

      //Call is successfull

      //Function to decode result from GitHub
      function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
         // Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string.
           return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map(function(c) {
             return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

       //Decode result and put it in parse it to JSON format
       var checklistSTR = b64DecodeUnicode(json.content);
       var checklist = JSON.parse("[" + checklistSTR + "]");

       //Create the checklist table and put it to the html div.
       document.getElementById(chklistname).innerHTML =  createChecklistTable(checklist,chklistname);

  }); // end requestJSON Ajax call

//The function that calls the GitHub API
function requestJSON(url, callback) {
   url: url,
   complete: function(xhr) {, xhr.responseJSON);

/* Functions needed for checklists */

function createChecklistTable(chkarray, chkName) {

 var tableString = '<table class="chk_table">';
 tableString += '<tr><th rowspan="5" colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"><img alt="DIME Image" src="/images/a/a8/DIMEi2i.png" class="chk_logo_img"></th>';
 tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Project name: _______________________________________</th>';
 tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Country: ___________________________________________</th>';
 tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">District: ____________________________________________</th>';
 tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Year, Month and/or Day:  _____________________________</th>';

var levelTracker = [0]

 for ( row = 0 ; row < chkarray.length ; ++row ) {
   var thisLevel =chkarray[row][0];
   var thisIndex = thisLevel - 1;
   var thisItem =chkarray[row][1];

   if ( levelTracker.length > thisLevel) {
     levelTracker.splice(thisLevel, levelTracker.length - (thisLevel));
   } else if ( levelTracker.length < thisLevel) {


   var number = levelTracker.join(".")

   tableString += checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)

 var tableFooter = '<tr><td colspan="4">The checklist are edited through Git Hub. This checklist corresponds to the file with the name <b>' + chkName+ '.js</b>. To read a simple step by step guide on how to edit the checklist, see this documentation:<br><a href=""></a>.</td></tr>'

 tableString += tableFooter +'</table>'

 return tableString

function checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)

 var  tableString = '';

 if (thisLevel == 1) {
     tableString += '<tr class="chk_row1"><td colspan="4">'+ number +'. '+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';
     tableString += '<tr><td></td><td>Initials</td><td>#No</td><td>Checklist Item</td></tr>';
     return tableString

 } else {

   switch (thisLevel) {
       case 2:
           tr_class = 'class="chk_row2"';
       case 3:
           tr_class = 'class="chk_row3"';
       case 4:
           tr_class = 'class="chk_row4"';
         /*implicitly 5 or above*/
           tr_class = 'class="chk_row5"';

   tableString += '<tr '+tr_class+'><td nowrap>[ __ ]</td><td></td><td nowrap class="chk_number">'+ number +'</td><td class="chk_item">'+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';

   return tableString
