Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js"
m (Fixing microdata bug) |
m (Fixing microdata bug) |
Line 112: | Line 112: | ||
chk_microdata = [ | chk_microdata = [ | ||
[1,' | [1,'All stages'], | ||
[2,' | [2,'Have you identified a sufficient number of qualified interviewers?'] | ||
]; | ]; | ||
Revision as of 19:32, 27 November 2017
/* Arrays with data needed for checklists */
chk_surveyprep =
[1,'All stages'],
[2,'Have you identified a sufficient number of qualified interviewers?'],
[2,'Have you trained the interviewers on the survey instrument?'],
[2,'Have you identified a comparable area and population for the pilot?'],
[2,'Have you secured all approvals / letters of support needed in your context?'],
[2,'Has someone contacted the local leaders in the pilot area to inform them of planned survey activity?'],
[2,'Will the team be staying overnight in the pilot area? If so, do you have necessary permissions to travel (from government, World Bank, etc)?'],
[2,'Has someone taken care of the logistics (e.g. car rentals, meals or per diem for interviewers)?'],
[2,'Do you have a venue reserved for training the interviewers?'],
[2,'Do you have a set protocol for identifying participants in focus group discussions?'],
[2,'Do you have a form prepared for interviewers to record qualitative observations and notes from discussion?'],
[2,'Have you tested interviewers’ note-taking abilities during the training and provided feedback on content and handwriting?'],
[2,'If you do not speak the local language(s), do you have a tried-and-true research assistant to accompany you to translate?'],
[1,'Content-Focused Pilot'],
[2,'Is the questionnaire you are piloting fully translated into the local language?'],
[2,'Is the instrument formatted for printing? Make sure there are sufficient margins on all pages for taking notes.'],
[2,'Did you print enough copies of the instrument for all interviewers and all people accompanying interviews to have a copy for each planned interview?'],
[2,'Does the survey instrument include both the research team language and local language (where different)? If not, remember to print out copies in each language as applicable.'],
[2,'Do you have access to a printer to print revisions in real time if significant changes are needed?'],
[2,'Have you instructed interviewers (or observers) to record the start and end time for each module?'],
[1,'Data-Focused Pilot'],
[2,'Have you office-tested the final version of the programmed instrument for any bugs, and to ensure that all questions appear as expected and reflect the final translation?'],
[2,'Have you set up a SurveyCTO server for the pilot? (For DIME members: Remember, no data can be uploaded to the DIME Test server.)'],
[3,'Is the name for the pilot form on the server clearly distinguishable from the final survey?'],
[3,'Have you assigned a form id unique to the pilot? (to avoid confusing pilot data with final data)'],
[3,'Do all team members who need it have log-on information?'],
[2,'Is the SurveyCTO Collect app updated to the version of SurveyCTO your server is running? (See the ‘Collect’ tab on your server for instructions.)'],
[3,'Best to update your server and app to the latest version of SurveyCTO before starting the pilot.'],
[3,'Once you have piloted, avoid updating the app even if a new version is released, to avoid compatibility issues.'],
[2,'Are all tablets / phones running the most updated version of their operating system (OS)? (or at a minimum, are they all running exactly the same OS?)'],
[2,'Are all tablets / phones set to the correct date and time?'],
[2,'Is the pilot-form downloaded and ready-to-go on all tablets?'],
[2,'Are all tablets fully charged? Do you have battery packs with you in case any batteries run out?'],
[2,'Do you have a couple of paper copies of the survey, for observers to use, and/or as a last resort in case of unsolvable tablet problems?'],
[2,'Have you built in time to the field plan to make any required revisions to the programming and re-download the revised forms on all tablets?'],
[2,'Have you set up Stata do-files for importing and labeling data?'],
[2,'Have you set up a Stata do-file for running high frequency checks?']
questionnaire_chk_content = [
[2,'Are the conceptual / structural issues identified in the early questionnaire design process sufficiently explored?'],
[2,'How might the composition of the focus (gender, age, religion, caste/socioeconomic status) affect responses?'],
[2,'Try to get at how potential respondents think about the key indicators you are trying to measure'],
[2,'Do you have a translator providing simultaneous translation? If not, does the amount of note-taking correspond to the amount of discussion?'],
[1,'Survey Design'],
[2,'Do the questions make sense to the respondent?'],
[3,'Watch how the respondent reacts to each question – any confusion? How is the reaction time?'],
[3,'Are there questions that require explanation by enumerator, or clarification from respondent?'],
[3,'Follow-up with the enumerator (and possibly the respondent) on questions that seemed problematic: is the issue translation? Phrasing? Conceptual? Cultural?'],
[2,'Are answer options comprehensive?'],
[3,'Ensure that all ‘other’ responses are specified and recorded'],
[2,'Is the enumerator following the scripted translations?'],
[3,'If not, ask the enumerator to note any translation issues to discuss with the team.'],
[3,'If you do not speak the language, you can still note if interviewer’s questions were noticeably longer/shorter than the written question.'],
[1,'Interview flow and timing'],
[2,'How is the flow of the interview?'],
[3,'Any pauses? (likely areas where interviewers need more instructions)'],
[3,'Are there times when the respondent looks bored? Uncomfortable? Losing interest?'],
[2,'Could the order of modules be improved? The order of questions within modules?'],
[2,'How long does the interview take?'],
[3,'Check length of each module by noting start and stop time.'],
[3,'Expect that pilot interviews will take much longer than actual interviews (likely twice as long) – interviewers are expected to do extra probing, take qualitative notes, and record open-ended responses, and the survey instrument may not yet flow well']
questionnaire_chk_data = [
[2,'Are the conceptual / structural issues identified in the early questionnaire design process sufficiently explored?'],
[2,'How might the composition of the focus (gender, age, religion, caste/socioeconomic status) affect responses?'],
[2,'Try to get at how potential respondents think about the key indicators you are trying to measure'],
[2,'Do you have a translator providing simultaneous translation? If not, does the amount of note-taking correspond to the amount of discussion?'],
[2,'Are all skip patterns working as expected?'],
[2,'Are questions displaying properly on the screen?'],
[3,'Are there any questions that should be grouped / ungrouped?'],
[2,'Did all modules appear?'],
[2,'Are built-in data checks (for outliers or inconsistent responses) working correctly?'],
[1,'Interview flow and timing'],
[2,'How is the flow of the interview?'],
[3,'Any pauses? (likely areas where interviewers need more instructions)'],
[3,'Are there times when the respondent looks bored? Uncomfortable? Losing interest?'],
[2,'Could the order of modules be improved? The order of questions within modules?'],
[2,'How long does the interview take?'],
[3,'Check length of each module by noting start and stop time.'],
[3,'Expect that pilot interviews will take much longer than actual interviews (likely twice as long) – interviewers are expected to do extra probing, take qualitative notes, and record open-ended responses, and the survey instrument may not yet flow well'],
[2,'Export pilot data from servers to .csv files (if CAPI) and import it into Stata, using either odkmeta or the Stata template provided by Survey CTO.'],
[3,'It is extremely important to make sure the export works as you expect and you are able to open and check the dataset in Stata!'],
[2,'Do all modules appear? Do all variables in all modules appear?'],
[3,'Pay close attention to tables and nested loops.'],
[2,'Check labels'],
[3,'Are all variables correctly labeled in English (and not too long for Stata)?'],
[3,'Check that values for categorical responses are labeled in English (and not too long for Stata)'],
[2,'Check that all skip patterns worked as expected'],
[2,'Check for (unexpected) missing data by variable'],
[2,'Check variance: both high and low.'],
[3,'If all pilot respondents give the same answer, the data point may not be informative.'],
[3,'High variance may indicate question needs to be more precise or checks built in to the survey instrument to alert enumerator of extreme values in real time.'],
[3,'These checks depend on large sample (rough rule of thumb: not informative if n<30).'],
[2,'Does all ‘pre-loaded’ data appear as expected?'],
[1,'High frequency checks'],
[2,'Use the dataset to program a do-file for high-frequency checks (see DIME template for example)'],
[2,'Run the high-frequency do-file and de-bug as needed'],
[2,'Export results of checks, and discuss and agree with the survey firm on a final format for communicating and resolving issues discovered in the checks']
chk_microdata = [
[1,'All stages'],
[2,'Have you identified a sufficient number of qualified interviewers?']
/* Functions creating divs ready to be loaded at the wiki */
$(function () {
/*nothing is done with this array yet*/
/*elements = [
['dimewiki-chk-surveyprep' ,checklistTable ,chk_surveyprep],
['dimewiki-chk-questcont' ,checklistTable ,questionnaire_chk_content],
['dimewiki-chk-questdata' ,checklistTable ,questionnaire_chk_data]
['dimewiki-chk-microdata' ,checklistTable ,chk_microdata]
//console.log('Yes Man');
if (document.getElementById("dimewiki-chk-surveyprep") != null ) {
document.getElementById('dimewiki-chk-surveyprep').innerHTML = checklistTable(chk_surveyprep);
if (document.getElementById("dimewiki-chk-questcont") != null ) {
document.getElementById('dimewiki-chk-questcont').innerHTML = checklistTable(questionnaire_chk_content);
if (document.getElementById("dimewiki-chk-questdata") != null ) {
document.getElementById('dimewiki-chk-questdata').innerHTML = checklistTable(questionnaire_chk_data);
if (document.getElementById("dimewiki-chk-microdata") != null ) {
document.getElementById('dimewiki-chk-microdata').innerHTML = checklistTable(chk_microdata);
if (document.getElementById("checklist1") != null ) {
function getChecklist(chklistname) {
var requri = 'https://api.github.com/repos/worldbank/DIMEwiki/contents/Topics/Checklists/checklists/'+ chklistname + '.js?ref=checklistAjax';
requestJSON(requri, function(json) {
if(json.message == "Not Found" ) {
document.getElementById('checklist1').innerHTML = "<h2>Checklist not found, check the name of the checklist</h2>"
} else {
//File found start by decoding content
//Source https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding
function b64DecodeUnicode(str) {
// Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string.
return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map(function(c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
var checklistSTR = b64DecodeUnicode(json.content);
var checklist = JSON.parse("[" + checklistSTR + "]");
document.getElementById('checklist1').innerHTML = checklistTable(checklist);
}); // end requestJSON Ajax call
function requestJSON(url, callback) {
url: url,
complete: function(xhr) {
callback.call(null, xhr.responseJSON);
/* Functions needed for checklists */
function checklistTable(chkarray) {
var tableString = '<table class="chk_table">';
tableString += '<tr><th rowspan="5" colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"><img alt="DIME Image" src="/images/a/a8/DIMEi2i.png" class="chk_logo_img"></th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Project name: _______________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Country: ___________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">District: ____________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th class="chk_header">Year, Month and/or Day: _____________________________</th>';
var levelTracker = [0]
for ( row = 0 ; row < chkarray.length ; ++row ) {
var thisLevel =chkarray[row][0];
var thisIndex = thisLevel - 1;
var thisItem =chkarray[row][1];
if ( levelTracker.length > thisLevel) {
levelTracker.splice(thisLevel, levelTracker.length - (thisLevel));
} else if ( levelTracker.length < thisLevel) {
var number = levelTracker.join(".")
tableString += checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
tableString += '</table>'
return tableString
function checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
var tableString = '';
if (thisLevel == 1) {
tableString += '<tr class="chk_row1"><td colspan="4">'+ number +'. '+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';
tableString += '<tr><td></td><td>Initials</td><td>#No</td><td>Checklist Item</td></tr>';
return tableString
} else {
switch (thisLevel) {
case 2:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row2"';
case 3:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row3"';
case 4:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row4"';
/*implicitly 5 or above*/
tr_class = 'class="chk_row5"';
tableString += '<tr '+tr_class+'><td nowrap>[ __ ]</td><td></td><td nowrap class="chk_number">'+ number +'</td><td class="chk_item">'+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';
return tableString