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/* Arrays with data needed for the main page */
lifeCycleTopics = [
['Image file','Impact Evaluation Design', 'A brief introduction to common IE methods, concept note, monitoring compliance and impact evaluation manual. The page also has links to sample IE concept note, protocol for monitoring compliance and impact evaluation manual.'],
['Image file','Sampling & Power Calculations','This page discusses how to create a statistically valid sample representative of the population of interest for impact evaluation.'],
['Image file','Human Subjects Approval','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Preparing for Data Collection','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Survey Firm Procurement','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Questionnaire Design','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Questionnaire Translation','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Questionnaire Programming','This topic discusses how to take the questionnaire you developed during Questionnaire Design and make it a digital CAPI questionnaire. It discusses how to plan that work and best practices to remember to make the work flow as easy as possible for the enumerator as well as reducing the risk for lost or corrupted data.'],
['Image file','Survey Pilot','This page discusses what a survey pilot is, and also discusses the stages, timeline, people involved, and the structure of a survey pilot.'],
['Image file','Enumerator Training','This page highlights the best practices to follow during enumerator training and the development of enumerator manual.'],
['Image file','Monitoring Data Quality','This page discusses ways in which survey data can be monitored for quality. The page also includes practical tips on data quality management and tips on how to conduct duplicate and survey log checks, high frequency checks, and back checks.'],
['Image file','Data Management','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Data Cleaning','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Data Analysis','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js'],
['Image file','Reproducible Research','Fill this in by edit the page MediaWiki:Common.js']
standAloneTopics = [
'Stata Coding Practices','SurveyCTO Coding Practices','Geo Spatial Data','Check Lists for Field Coordinators','i2i Trust Fund for Impact Evaluation','Impact Evaluation Team','Cost-effectiveness Analysis']
standAloneTopics.sort(function(a, b){return 0.5 - Math.random()});
/* Arrays with data needed for checklists */
chk_surveyprep =
[2,'Do you have a set protocol for identifying participants in focus group discussions?'],
[2,'Do you have a form prepared for interviewers to record qualitative observations and notes from discussion?'],
[1,'Content-focused Pilot'],
[2,'Is the questionnaire you are piloting fully translated into the local language?'],
[2,'Is the instrument formatted for printing? Make sure there are sufficient margins on all pages for taking notes.'],
[2,'Did you print enough copies of the instrument for all interviewers and all people accompanying interviews to have a copy for each planned interview?'],
[2,'Does the survey instrument include both the research team language and local language (where different)? If not, remember to print out copies in each language as applicable.'],
[2,'Do you have access to a printer to print revisions in real time if significant changes are needed?'],
[2,'Have you instructed interviewers (or observers) to record the start and end time for each module?'],
[1,'Data-focused Pilot'],
[2,'Have you office-tested the final version of the programmed instrument for any bugs, and to ensure that all questions appear as expected and reflect the final translation?'],
[2,'Have you set up a SurveyCTO server for the pilot? (For DIME members: Remember, no data can be uploaded to the DIME Test server.)'],
[3,'Is the name for the pilot form on the server clearly distinguishable from the final survey?'],
[3, 'Have you assigned a form id unique to the pilot? (to avoid confusing pilot data with final data)']
/* Functions creating divs ready to be loaded at the wiki */
$(function () {
/*document.getElementById('dimewiki-mainpage-lc-js').innerHTML = dispTopics_lc(lifeCycleTopics);
document.getElementById('dimewiki-mainpage-sa-js').innerHTML = dispTopics_sa(standAloneTopics);*/
document.getElementById('dimewiki-chk-surveyprep').innerHTML = checklistTable(chk_surveyprep);
/* Functions needed for checklists */
function checklistTable(chkarray) {
var tableString = '<table><tr><th colspan="4">Checklist Questionnaire pilot</th></tr>';
tableString += '<tr><th colspan="4">Projet name: _______________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th colspan="4">Country: _______________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><th colspan="4">District: _______________________________________________</th>';
tableString += '<tr><td>cb</td><td>initials</td><td>number</td><td>item</td></tr>';
var levelTracker = [0]
for ( row = 0 ; row < chkarray.length ; ++row ) {
var thisLevel =chkarray[row][0];
var thisIndex = thisLevel - 1;
var thisItem =chkarray[row][1];
if ( levelTracker.length > thisLevel) {
levelTracker.splice(thisLevel, levelTracker.length - (thisLevel));
} else if ( levelTracker.length < thisLevel) {
var number = levelTracker.join(".")
tableString += checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
tableString += '</table>'
return tableString
function checklistRow(thisLevel, thisItem, number)
var tableString = '';
var checkbox = (thisLevel == 1 ? '' : '[ __ ]')
switch (thisLevel) {
case 1:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row1"';
case 2:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row2"';
case 3:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row3"';
case 4:
tr_class = 'class="chk_row4"';
/*implicitly 5 or above*/
tr_class = 'class="chk_row5"';
return '<tr '+tr_class+'><td nowrap>'+checkbox+'</td><td></td><td nowrap class="chk_number">'+ number +'</td><td class="chk_item">'+ thisItem +'</td></tr>';
/* Functions needed for the main page */
function dispTopics_lc(topicArray)
var topicTable = '<div class="table-div"><table style="width:100%">';
topicTable += '<col width=20%><col width=80%><tr>';
for ( topic = 0 ; topic < topicArray.length ; ++topic ) {
topicTable += '<td rowspan="2">'+ topicArray[topic][0] +'</td>';
topicTable += '<td class="td_lc_titl"><a href="/wiki/'+ topicArray[topic][1] +'">'+ topicArray[topic][1] +'</a></td>';
topicTable += '</tr><tr>';
topicTable += '<td class="td_lc_desc">'+ topicArray[topic][2] +'</td></tr>';
topicTable += '</table></div>';
return topicTable;
function dispTopics_sa(topicArray)
var topicTable = '<div class="table-div"><table style="width:100%">';
for ( topic = 0 ; topic < topicArray.length ; ++topic ) {
topicTable += '<tr><td class="td_sa"><a href="/wiki/'+ topicArray[topic] +'">'+ topicArray[topic] +'</a></td></tr>';
topicTable += '</table></div>';
return topicTable;