Revision as of 15:29, 31 August 2017 by Mrijanrimal (talk | contribs)
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Mission Statement

DIME is the impact evaluation unit of the World Bank Research Group. Part of DIME’s mission is to intensify the production of and access to public goods that improve the quantity and quality of global development research, while lowering the costs of doing IE for the entire research community.

DIME’s interest is to build the institutions that will improve developmental effectiveness over time. We do not compete with other researchers. We provide the institutional space for all researchers to do better, more important work to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people around the world. Data is the engine of applied development economics. While donors and researchers spend a lot of time and resources polishing funding proposals and final reports, very little to no effort is devoted to setting quality standards for data collection. DIME has taken up this challenge with the creation of DIME Analytics, a small team responsible for developing and overseeing data quality protocols and pushing measurement frontiers through experimentation.

The Wiki is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development through the i2i Trust Fund.