High Frequency Checks

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Research teams should run high frequency checks (HFC) from the office daily. Prepare the HFC code via Stata or R once the questionnaire is finalized but before it goes to the field. You should also prepare instructions for the HFCs in case someone else needs to run it while you are in the field and/or without internet connectivity. During data collection, download data and daily run the HFC to report flags. This should be a one-click process. Within the HFC, include four main types of checks: response quality checks, programming checks, enumerator checks, and duplicate/survey log checks.

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Response Quality Checks

Response quality checks monitor the consistency of responses across the survey instrument and the range within the responses fall.

  • Consistency of responses across the survey instrument: most consistency tests can and should be built into the questionnaire programming via logic and constraints. However, some checks may be overly complex to program in the survey instrument, particularly when comparing responses across rosters or dealing with multiple units. For example, imagine we ask about plot and harvest size and allow the respondent to answer in the unit of his/her choice. In order to test if the harvest in terms of kilos per hectare is plausible, we need to convert harvest and plot size to kilos and hectares, which may be challenging to program within the questionnaire itself. As a rule of thumb, program as many checks as possible into the survey instrument. Then include the rest in the HFC do file or script.
  • Reasonable ranges of responses: while range checks should always be programmed into the survey instrument, typically questionnaires employ 'soft' constraints (i.e. warning enumerators that the response is unusual but can continue). Thus, HFC data checks should include checks for extreme values and outliers and confirm whether they make sense in context. Data checks should also check the range for constructed indicators; multiplication or division can create or expose outliers even when the numerator and denominator are reasonable. For example, say a household reported a plot size of 0.05 hectares (the low end of an acceptable range) and produced 1000kg of maize (within an acceptable range): the yield for the plot would be 20,000kg/ha. This is an extreme outlier.

Programming Checks

Programming checks help the research team to understand if they have designed and programmed the questionnaire properly. Most programming errors should be caught when testing the questionnaire, but it is impossible to test all possible outcomes before data collection. Including programming checks in the HFC is especially important when the team has made last-minute edits to the survey instrument.

Enumerators Checks

Enumerator checks help the research team determine if any individual enumerator's data is significantly different from other enumerators' data in the datasets or different from the mean of a given question. These checks should:

  • Check percentage of “don’t know” and refusal responses by the enumerator.
  • Check the distribution of responses for key questions by enumerator.
  • Check the number of surveys per day by the enumerator.
  • Check the average interview duration by the enumerator.
  • Check the duration of consent by the enumerator.
  • Check the duration of other modules by enumerator (anthropometrics, games, etc.).

These statistics can be output into an enumerator dashboard. Keeping track of survey team metrics and frequently discussing them with enumerators and team leaders maintain accountability, transparency, and can boost motivation. See more on SurveyCTO’s tracking dashboard here.

Duplicates and Survey Log Checks

Duplicate and survey log checks confirm that all the data from the field is on the survey in a sound manner. They should:

  • Test that all data from the field is on the server: match survey data logs from the field with survey data logs on the server to confirm that all the data from the field has been transferred to the server.
  • Test for target number: since surveys are submitted in daily waves, keep track of the numbers of surveys submitted and the target number of surveys needed for an area to be completed.
  • Test for duplicates: since SurveyCTO/ODK data provides a number of duplicates, check for duplicates using ieduplicates.

Verifying these details as soon as possible is critical: since the enumerator is most likely close by if you run daily checks, it is easy for him/her to re-interview and get missing data if the HFC renders this necessary.

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