Checklist: Piloting Survey Protocols
All Field Protocols should be tested in Stage 2 – Content-focused pilot. Revise as needed, and then pilot again during Stage 3 – Data-focused pilot. All protocols should be finalized before enumerator training.
Interview scheduling
- Is there a particular time of day when respondents are more / less likely to be available?
- What is the most effective way to communicate with respondents and schedule appointments?
Access to infrastructure
- Is there electricity?
- How frequent are blackouts? Are generators available?
- Do teams need to carry fuel and/or generators?
- Will there be any internet access?
- Are mobile internet connections (dongles) available?
- Is there mobile data coverage?
- How is the coverage of mobile phone networks?
- Check availability of any common networks, advise field teams accordingly
- Does the sampling protocol work well in the field? (for more details on developing the protocol, see Impact Evaluation Sampling)
- Is the replacement strategy effective?
- What challenges are enumerators likely to face? What clarifications need to be made in the Enumerator Training?
- If working from an existing sampling frame, is it up to date?
- If doing a listing, how much time should be built into the field plan? How will you ensure that no sampling units (e.g. households, firms, traders) are skipped?
- Will you use the tablet or separate GPS?
- If GPS unit, test protocol for saving with filenames that include unique ID linked to respondent.
- How long does it take to lock in a signal? How accurate is the data point?
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Additional Resources
- DIME Analytics’ guidelines on piloting surveys
- DIME Analytics’ guidelines on survey design and pilot