Revision as of 06:48, 31 July 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Cross-cutting Resources

Page of the Day

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The DIME Wiki is a public good to increase quality of development research globally. It is targeted to all researchers and M&E specialists at the World Bank, clients who are managing data collection efforts in the field, donor institutions, universities, NGOs and governments. While there are many existing impact evaluation resources, none meet the specific gap the DIME Wiki aims to fulfill: a resource focused on practical implementation guidelines rather than theory, open to the public, easily searchable, suitable for users of varying levels of expertise, up-to-date with the latest technological advances in electronic data collection, with a vibrant network of editors who are experts in this field.

DIME is the impact evaluation unit of the World Bank Research Group. Part of DIME’s mission is to intensify the production of and access to public goods that improve the quantity and quality of global development research, while lowering the costs of doing IE for the entire research community. The Wiki is developed and maintained by the DIME Analytics team, a new initiative to provide data quality assurance to all DIME impact evaluations. The Wiki is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development through the i2i Trust Fund.