Checklist: Microdata Catalog submission

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Get printable version here. For more detailed instructions on Sections 1 and 2 of this checklist, see Data Cleaning and De-identification. For more information on Microdata Catalogs, see Microdata Catalog. Note that this checklist is best displayed in Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any other modern browser.

DIME Image
Project name: _______________________________________
Country: ___________________________________________
District: ____________________________________________
Year, Month and/or Day: _____________________________
1. Data Cleaning
Initials#NoChecklist Item
[ __ ]1.1Does the ID variable uniquely identify observations?
[ __ ]1.2Are all variables labelled?
[ __ ]1.3Do all factor variables have value labels?
[ __ ]1.4Are all missing values correctly coded and labelled?
[ __ ]1.5Do variable names match the accompanying questionnaire?
[ __ ]1.6Is the ID the first variable listed?
[ __ ]1.7Does the other variables’ order match the accompanying questionnaire?
2. De-identification
Initials#NoChecklist Item
[ __ ]2.1Make sure all personally-identifying information (PII) is removed! If you wish to deposit all variables in the survey for completeness, create de-identified versions of variables containing PII as described below and attach a list of all PII variables that should not be released to you submission
[ __ ]2.1.1DROP names of survey respondent, household members, enumerator, and associated contact information
[ __ ]2.1.2ENCRYPT categorical variables by simply dropping the labels for encoded variables (if string, encode first). This applies to names of schools, village and possibly names of other administrative units (will differ by country and by project)
[ __ ]2.1.3MASK values of GPS coordinates if GPS information is related to the research question. Otherwise, remove GPS variables
[ __ ]2.2If results haven't been published yet, list any variables identifying treatment assignment and flag them as embargoed on the submission form
[ __ ]2.3Remove or embargo any sensitive, potentially identifying information according to survey context. Possible examples include religion and ethnicity.
3. Saving Data Set
Initials#NoChecklist Item
[ __ ]3.1Use the cleaned dataset that does not include constructed variables
[ __ ]3.2Use compress to reduce the file size
[ __ ]3.3Save in the earliest Stata version compatible with your data formats
4. Supporting Documents
Initials#NoChecklist Item
[ __ ]4.1IE Concept Note
[ __ ]4.2Questionnaires
[ __ ]4.2.1Paper format equivalent is better than CTO form
[ __ ]4.2.2Names of villages, schools, health facilities, etc listed as response options should be removed
[ __ ]4.3Enumerator manuals
[ __ ]4.4Field work details: dates on which the field work occurred, total number of households visited, refusal rates, total number of households and individuals included in the final sample, problems that occurred during the administration of the survey (strikes, inclement weather, inability to enter parts of the country)
[ __ ]4.5Data cleaning documentation:
[ __ ]4.5.1Codes for missing in survey and in dataset
[ __ ]4.5.2Record of any corrections made
[ __ ]4.5.3If variables were masked for de-identification, report method used
[ __ ]4.5.4If applicable, describe how to link observations across data files (e.g. through Master Dataset)
[ __ ]4.6Data dictionary and list of datasets included, if applicable
[ __ ]4.7Baseline report, if available
[ __ ]4.8Methodology description
[ __ ]4.9Publications citation
5. Submission
Initials#NoChecklist Item
[ __ ]5.1We recommend publishing data sets as impact evaluation surveys under licensed access
[ __ ]5.2Go to MicroData Library Home Page ( and log in with your UPI and passcode.
[ __ ]5.3Click the link to “Deposit data” and next “Sign in to get started”.
[ __ ]5.4If you are a returning user, all the projects that you have deposited will show up in the list either as “DRAFT” or “PROCESSED”. If you are a first-time user, click “Create New Project” to start with the process. Mandatory fields will be marked with stars. Provide “Title”, “Short name”, one paragraph of “Description” and Collaboration which will the email address of other Bank staff who may be authorized to make future edit and review this project. All the information provided here can be edited later.
[ __ ]5.5Fill each field as much as possible based on project information, which can be found in concept note, baseline report or other project documents.
[ __ ]5.6Load data files and other documents
[ __ ]5.7Review by Team Member: Send the links to project editing page to PIs, project manager, field coordinators and other team members for review and comments before submitting the project.
[ __ ]5.8Review by Data Group: After submitting the project, staff from Development Data Group will review the form and uploaded data files, confirm the successful documentation and access authority, or contact the project creator with further questions.
The checklist are edited through Git Hub. This checklist corresponds to the file with the name chk_microdata.js. To read a simple step by step guide on how to edit the checklist, see this documentation:

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This article is part of the topic Check Lists. It's also related to Microdata Catalog.

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